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आम्हाला कॉल करा
आम्हाला कॉल करा


Mon to Sat : 10.00 AM to 6 PM

हे स्वयंचलित, मॅन्युअल किंवा पूर्णपणे स्वयंचलित असो, आपली प्रत्येक आवश्यकता पूर्ण करण्यासाठी आमच्याकड अल्फा-ओलेफिन्स आणि इथिलीनच्या कोपॉलिमरायझेशनच्या प्रक्रियेद्वारे, सामान्यत: वापरल्या जाणार्या स्ट्रेच मटेरियलपैकी एक म्हणजे एलएलडीपीई तयार केले जाऊ शकते ज्यामुळे टिकाऊ स्ट्रेच रॅपिंग मशीन स्लॉट डाईद्वारे एक्सट्रूड केले जाते जे थंड करण्यासाठी रोलर्समधून पास केले जाते यापैकी काही मशीन ऑपरेटरच्या आवश्यकतेशिवाय स्ट्रेच रॅपिंगची उत्कृष्ट सामर्थ्य स्ट्रेच रेपिंग करून अन्न वस्तूंचे शेल्फ लाइफ वाढविले

स्ट्रेच रॅपिंग मशीनची काही कार्ये खाली उद्दिष्ट केली गेली आहेत:

1) आमच्या मशीनद्वारे ऑफर केलेले स्ट्रेच रॅप युनिट लोड
2) आर्द्रता आणि धूळपासून संरक्षण.
3) पॅकेज पिल्फेरेज आणि चिंतूक विरुद्ध प्रतिरोधक.
4) युनिट लोड कार्यक्षमतेने संग्रह आणि व्यवस्थापित
Product Image (00)

मेटल स्ट्रेच रॅपिंग

किंमत: INR/युनिट
  • पुरवठा क्षमता: प्रति महिना
  • वितरण वेळ: आठवडा
  • वारंटी:Yes
  • वजन (किलो): किलोग्रॅम (किलो)
  • पॉवर: व्होल्ट (v)
  • आकारमान (एल* प* एच): मिलीमीटर (मिमी)
  • साहित्य:Stainless Steel
Product Image (CWM-60F)

किंमत: INR/युनिट

In our extensive gamut of products, we bring forth for our clients Carton Wrapping Machine that is used for folding, gluing and wrapping of cartons. Offered machine is manufactured using high quality components and with the help of advanced engineering concepts. Further, this machine is also tested on defined quality parameters to ensure its optimum functionality. We offer this Carton Wrapping Machine at the most competitive price to our prestigious clients.

Product Image (RWM-11)

रील रॅपिंग मशीन

किंमत: INR/युनिट

We are a noteworthy organization in the domain, engaged in providing a high quality range of Reel Wrapping Machine. This machine is considered as the ideal option for wrapping laminated rolls, paper rolls, wire spools and thread tyre rolls. Proposed machine is manufactured under the vigilance of our skilled professionals using quality-tested basic components and cutting-edge technology in accordance with international quality standards. As per the varied demands of clients, we offer this Reel Wrapping Machine in various technical specifications at affordable rate.

Product Image (BRM-06)

बॉक्स रेपिंग मश

किंमत: INR/युनिट

Keeping in mind the diverse requirements of clients, we are offering a premium quality range of Box Wrapping Machine. Suitable for uniform wrapping on different sized boxes, this machine is very reliable in terms of efficiency and operations. Manufactured in tandem with intentional quality standards using finest quality components and modern methodology, offered machine is also tested on defined quality parameters. To meet the diversified demands of our clients, we offer this Box Wrapping Machine in various specifications at rock-bottom price.

Product Image (PWM-04)

पॅलेट पॅलेटिंग

किंमत: INR/युनिट

By keeping track with market development, we manufacture, export and supply a high quality Pallet Wrapping Machine. Widely renowned for its efficient and fast operations, offered machine is used for uniform wrapping of pallets with films, thus providing proper packaging solution. Our adroit team of professionals manufactures this machine using supreme quality components and advanced manufacturing techniques. Further, we are offering this Pallet Wrapping Machine at very reasonable price to the clients.


आम्हाला प्रामुख्याने उत्तर भारतीय राज्या
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