भाषा बदला
आम्हाला कॉल करा
आम्हाला कॉल करा


Mon to Sat : 10.00 AM to 6 PM
Automatic Carton Erectors

Automatic Carton Erectors

20000.00 - 90000.00 INR/Unit

उत्पादन तपशील:


स्वयंचलित पुठ्ठा किंमत आणि प्रमाण

  • 1
  • युनिट/युनिट
  • युनिट/युनिट

स्वयंचलित पुठ्ठा व्यापार माहिती

  • प्रति महिना
  • आठवडा

उत्पादन तपशील

Automatic carton erectors are machines used to form and assemble cardboard boxes. The main function of these machines is to take flat, folded cardboard boxes and automatically fold them into their upright, erected form. This process is often faster and more efficient than manually forming boxes, and it helps ensure consistent, accurate box dimensions and a neat, professional appearance.The machine then applies glue to the box seams to secure the structure, and the finished box is discharged from the machine ready for use.
Tell us about your requirement


Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
Additional detail
मोबाईल number


Automatic Carton Erectors मध्ये इतर उत्पादने

आम्हाला प्रामुख्याने उत्तर भारतीय राज्या
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