भाषा बदला
आम्हाला कॉल करा
आम्हाला कॉल करा


Mon to Sat : 10.00 AM to 6 PM
Horizontal Type Automatic Carton Erectors

Horizontal Type Automatic Carton Erectors

20000.00 - 90000.00 INR/Unit

उत्पादन तपशील:


क्षैतिज प्रकार स्वयंचलित कार् किंमत आणि प्रमाण

  • युनिट/युनिट
  • 1
  • युनिट/युनिट

क्षैतिज प्रकार स्वयंचलित कार् व्यापार माहिती

  • प्रति महिना
  • आठवडा

उत्पादन तपशील

Horizontal Type Automatic Carton Erectors can provide increased production and labour savings. These erectors give you flexibility with easy changeovers and a range of speed capabilities. Our case erectors also can be integrated with our case packers, providing a compact solution that loads products for shipping. We engineer a variety of options and offer customizations to fit your needs. Horizontal Type Automatic Carton Erectors are designed to automatically open the carton, close the bottom flaps and seal them with either hot-melt glue or adhesive tape. These are very economical to use as it requires low maintenance and operating cost.
Tell us about your requirement


Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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मोबाईल number


Automatic Carton Erectors मध्ये इतर उत्पादने

आम्हाला प्रामुख्याने उत्तर भारतीय राज्या
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